As a school we ask that students achieve at least 96% attendance. We recognise that for some this may be a challenging target, therefore we will provide additional support to students and their families to encourage excellent attendance (please see our Attendance Policy to view our intervention strategy for students).
Attendance Matters – The Main Principles
- There is a direct link between attendance and attainment at school. The Arthur Terry School is therefore committed to working with parents and carers to ensure all students achieve as high a level of attendance as possible. Students are set a target of achieving at least 96% attendance.
- Parents/Carers have a legal responsibility to ensure that children of compulsory school age attend school regularly. Students should be at school, on time, every day the school is open, unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable.
Reporting Same Day Illness
If your child is absent from school today due to illness, you must notify the school each day before 8.30am, using the following process.
To notify the school of any appointments, please email attaching appropriate evidence, further information is provided below.

If a student is going to be absent from school due to illness, then a parent or carer must inform the school via the Studybugs App or via the Studybugs widgets on the school website. If a parent or carer doesn’t notify the school in a timely manner, the absence will be classed as unauthorised. Please note that unauthorised absences from school, may lead to legal action being taken against you. The parent/carer will need to explain fully the reason for their child’s illness. We are unable to accept single word responses such as unwell or ill.
Failure to report a child’s illness before 8:30am may result in a truancy message being sent home, phone calls from the attendance team and an unauthorised absence mark.
If a parent/carer does receive a truancy message, they must reply swiftly to support the safeguarding procedures the school is required to follow.
Students are expected to arrive on time every day to school by 8.45am for registration.
The morning register will be taken at 8:50am after the second bell. Any students who arrive after this time will be coded as L and will be issued with a same day 30-minute detention.
Students who arrive after 9:10am will need to enter school through reception and speak directly to the Attendance Officer. The student will be marked as U (Late) and this absence will be marked as unauthorised.
The Headteacher may require further evidence to authorise an absence and if this is the case the attendance team will be in contact. Medical Evidence will be required in cases of illness which are 5 continuous days or longer.
Medical Appointments
Where possible, parents are required to arrange appointments outside of school hours, e.g. dentist, doctor.
If this is not possible, parents should notify the Attendance Team prior to the appointment by emailing
When emailing the attendance team please include any appropriate evidence to support the absence such as:
· Medical appointment card with one appointment entered
· An appointment letter from a professional such as a hospital Consultant or Psychologist
· Print screen of a text message appointment
If evidence is not provided, then the absence may be marked as unauthorised until evidence is provided.
Request For Leaving During Term Time, Including Family Holidays
Whole School Attendance Letter – September 2024
Family holidays in term time are not allowed in law and are unlikely to be authorised. Family emergencies also need careful consideration. It is not always appropriate or in the best interests of the child to miss school for emergencies which are being dealt with by adult family members. Notifying the school of leave due to a family emergency does not mean it will be authorised.
Parents/Carers can request an application form for leave during term time from the Attendance Team via email ( This request must be submitted at least two weeks before they are due to leave.
Attendance Policy
Our Attendance Policy contains important information regarding attendance at the intervention steps we provide to support students with their attendance.