Parents’ Evenings

At The Arthur Terry School, Parents’ Evenings are an invaluable opportunity for teaching staff to strengthen the partnership with parents and carers that supports student success.  All of our appointments are held online via SchoolCloud using this link  This platform makes it easy and convenient for families to engage with teachers as appointments can be held virtually using any online device.  

During your appointment, you can expect to discuss your child’s attitude to learning, as well as their most recent academic assessments.  Your child’s subject teacher will also discuss the next steps that your child needs to take to ensure success and reach their potential.

Please be reassured that Go4Schools is our most up-to-date source of information about your child’s progress.  Here, you can see a detailed overview of your child’s praise, behaviour and attendance data, their recent assessment progress and Attitude for Learning score. Therefore, parents do not need to wait for Parents’ Evenings to find out information in relation to their child’s progress.

We publish the dates of our annual Parents’ Evenings at the start of each academic year in our school calendar and at the bottoms of this page.  We also provide a “catch-up” evening to try and ensure any missed appointments can be re-scheduled by teachers, as necessary.

Key Stage 3 appointments are 5 minutes in length, KS4 appointments are 6 minutes and Key Stage 5 appointments are 7 minutes. If you have a specific query likely to last longer than the allocated time then please contact where we will try to arrange an alternative time for you to address your query with your child’s teacher or Progress Leader.  

To maximise the use of each appointment time, if your child is taught by multiple teachers within a subject area, as they are, for example, in Science, you will meet with one “lead teacher” to discuss your child’s progress. This teacher is automatically allocated on the Schoolcloud system.

Appointments are released in advance of each Parents Evening.  We urge you to access SchoolCloud at your earliest convenience to book your appointments. If you are unable to book an appointment for a teacher, please ensure that you have added yourself onto their waiting list so the teacher can then allocate you an appointment, should one become available. 

Year GroupDate of Parents’ EveningDate of Catch Up EveningLength of AppointmentDate bookings will be released on SchoolCloud
Year 9 (Core subjects only)6th May5 minutes22nd April at 7pm
Year 1220th May21st May7 minutes14th May at 7pm
Year 812th June11th June5 minutes5th June at 7pm
Year 717th June18th June5 minutes11th June at 7pm

There is a detailed guide for parents on how to use the system available here :

School Cloud Parents Evening Parent Guide