The Big Ask – Parents

What is The Big Ask?
At Arthur Terry we are passionate about working with parents and carers as we believe when all stakeholders listen to each other, and work together, this will have a positive impact on student well-being, and attainment. We know that parental engagement is crucial so parents and carers know how they can best support their children.
We are keen to give parents and carers a voice on school matters, to ensure we are able to meet the needs of all our students, and serve all in our learning community more effectively.
How can I as a parent participate in ‘The Big Ask’
To help us make sure we are providing the best standard of education for your children, and improving their overall school experience, we would welcome your views about school life. In order to gather your views, we will be sending a survey out for you to complete online each term.
This will help us to:
- Find out what we’re doing well and where we could do better
- Make sure we’re meeting the needs of you and your children
The link to the survey will be sent to your email address and we would very much appreciate if you are able to find the time to complete it, and provide us with your views on the range of key areas of school life, covered in the questions below
- My child is happy at this school
- My child feels safe at this school
- The school makes sure its pupils are well behaved
- My child has been bullied and the school dealt with the bullying quickly and effectively
- My child has not been bullied
- The school makes me aware of what my child will learn during the year
- When I have raised concerns with the school they have been dealt with properly
- My child has SEND, and the school gives them the support they need to succeed
- The school has high expectations for my child
- My child does well at this school
- The school lets me know how my child is doing
- There is a good range of subjects available to my child at this school
- My child can take part in clubs and activities at this school
- The school supports my child’s wider personal development
- I would recommend this school to another parent