Meet The Team

Welcome to the Year 9 area of our school website! Here you will find some key information about issues and events relating to our year group which will be updated regularly. We will also be using this page to celebrate the successes of the students in Year 9.

On the Year 9 Team we have Mrs Mills – who is our Key Stage Leader, Miss Dubidat – who is the Progress Leader for 9A and Mrs Ridley – who is the Progress Leader for 9B.

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Mrs Mills

Key Stage Leader

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Miss Dubidat

Progress Leader (A)

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Mrs Ridley

Progress Leader (B)

Year 9 Tutors

9A1 Mr J Hartles, 9A2 Mr J Tompson, 9A3 Miss H De Maine-Bowler, 9A4 MR D Smith, 9B1 Miss S Kumari, 9B2 Miss C Allatt, 9B3 Mr C Lawlor, 9B4 Mr P Morris, 9B5 Mrs A Preece.

Trip to PGL Summer 2024

The planning for PGL is well underway! Please ensure that you are keeping up to date with the payment schedule outlined on the letter (please see letter below)

Reminder: our information evening for this trip is on Thursday 9th May at 5:45pm. Can we ask that only one parent/carer attends per student to ensure that there will be capacity for all students to have a parent/carer in attendance. Students are not invited to attend this evening and will have a separate information session at another time.

Assessment Week 2

Students are currently preparing for Assessment Week 2. This takes place during the week commencing 26th February 2024. Just as in Assessment Week 1, lesson timetable will be collapsed and students will be completing assessments in all their subjects. The Year 9 team were delighted with he positive attitude to learning and the mature approach demonstrated by our students. We are certain they will do us proud this time too!

Information Evening Presentation

It was so lovely to see so many of you at our Year 9 Information Evening. Please see the PowerPoint that was shared on the evening for you to access at your leisure.

Praise & Behaviour

The table below, should give you some context in terms of the average praise and negative logs from across Year 10.

Average Positive Praise PointsAverage Negative Points
Data from 4th March 2024

Key Dates

We will post important dates below, or you can subscribe to our school calendar to ensure you do not miss anything.

27th October

  • Assessment Week 2 – Week Commencing 26th February 2024
  • Parents Meet PGL – 9th March 2024
  • Options Online Core Event – 16th April 2024
  • Options In Person Event – 18th April 2024


For all options related information please follow the link below to our dedicated options page.

iPad Devices

We are delighted to inform you that the initial phase of the rollout of iPads has gone extremely well. We believe that the devices will become a crucial part of the learning journey and will not only enhance the learning experience for our students, but will over time, fundamentally change the way our students learn.

Students have attended an assembly where we reiterated the very clear expectations in terms of conduct using their new devices. In addition, when the students were given their iPads for the first time, they have also been reminded again about what they are allowed and not allowed to do when using their school iPads. Please find attached the behaviour expectations for all students with an iPad and consequences for misuse of an iPad, that is aligned to our Praise and Behaviour policy.

We request that all parents and carers read the attached information carefully and discuss this with your children. Please do also remind your child that school has a very sophisticated system that monitors all use of all school devices including the iPads. This also includes technology that sends screenshots to select senior members of staff at school for any infringements of the attached policy. We would also like to remind students that the device remains the property of the school and if there are serious breaches of the school’s Acceptable Use Policy or of the attached iPad behaviour expectations, school reserves the right to limit a student’s access with the device or remove the device from the student in order to prevent further misuse.

We would like to thank all of our parents and carers for your support in this matter.