Our Vision, Mission and Core Values
Our Vision
The Arthur Terry School is an inclusive and nurturing learning community that gives everyone the opportunity to excel and a place to belong.
Our Mission
We want the best for everyone in our learning community so we are able to be proud of our achievements. Developing the skills, knowledge and strong moral principles so we are ready for active citizenship in an ever-changing future.
Our Core Values
Kindness – being friendly, helpful and understanding
Respect – having consideration for peoples’ rights and feelings
High aspirations – putting the effort in every day to achieve our best
Be Proud | Be Kind | Be Ready

Our Aims
- Create a stimulating environment in which individuals achieve their highest attainable academic standard through outstanding learning and teaching.
- Foster a culture of learner independence through the “Arthur Terry Learner” philosophy.
- Work with, and then build upon the achievement of our partner primary schools to ensure students have an effective and smooth transition from Key Stage 2 to 3.
- Maintain a disciplined, enthusiastic, safe, happy and caring community through a trauma informed and emotion coaching approach.
- Ensure students feel secure, valued and safe in and outside school.Broaden cultural and aesthetic horizons whilst celebrating individuality.
- Develop the whole child by creating a programme of additional enrichment opportunities.Raise the expectations of all through mutual respect and shared responsibility, in line with our ambition to ‘Be Proud, Be Kind, Be Ready’.
- Develop positive personal, social, moral and spiritual growth and respect for different beliefs and ways of life.
- Recognise and respect diversity, creating an ethos that promotes equality, develops understanding and challenges myths, stereotypes, misconceptions and prejudices.
- Develop a partnership of parents, staff, students, trust board and outside agencies working for everyone’s benefit.