Our Curriculum

Careful planning has been undertaken to develop a coherent, broad and balanced 11-19 curriculum that is ambitious and inspirational.
Our curriculum is planned to challenge and enable all students to make rapid progress, studying subjects from the academic core as well as subjects from the performing arts, art, design and technology, business and computing.
The content and experiences within our curriculum are designed to accumulate and address the gaps in cultural capital of all our students, particularly those with SEND and who are socially disadvantaged. Our vulnerable mindset approach to the curriculum ensures all students receive the support they need to succeed by placing our vulnerable learners at the forefront of our curriculum planning.
Our extra-curricular offer supports our provision, with a focus within each subject on helping students to form stronger schemata for long-term retention of knowledge.
Our provision is a coherent and carefully sequenced “knowledge-engaged” curriculum based on the principles of cognitive science. There is a focus on the development of literacy and the application of acquired knowledge to ensure children access the curriculum and have a deep and enduring understanding in each discrete subject area. The curriculum framework of cognitive education is planned to enable children to think independently and contribute positively to society and the wider world.

Our curriculum intent is aligned with the Arthur Terry Learning Partnership and it is designed to:
- allow our students to flourish in whatever future they choose
- developing cultural capital to address social disadvantage, develop key learning habits as well as the core skills of mathematics and numeracy, language and literacy.
- instil our core values “being proud of who we are and what we achieve, being kind and respectful to all others and being ready to take our chosen next steps in life”
- be ‘knowledge engaged’ where we put a focus on the development of deep knowledge and understanding whilst also ensure students can use and apply this knowledge.
- Growing our students’ understanding of cognitive science (meta-cognition and meta-memory to improve their learning)
At Key Stage 3, we deliver the national curriculum, providing a broad and balanced curriculum. We focus on developing key skills, knowledge and understanding to provide the building blocks for linear GCSE qualifications.
Subjects are delivered by specialists who are best equipped to accelerate students’ progress through the 3 years that students have in KS3 before they progress to KS4. Detailed planning has taken place to ensure the curriculum is aligned with Key Stage 2 to ensure students have a smooth transition from Primary School.
The Arthur Terry Way, effective learning habits programme has been developed across the school to help our students become better learners through increased independence. This will ensure that our students are prepared for a lifetime of learning. Additional learning support is provided to assist with Special Needs, with the availability of smaller group sizes in English and Mathematics to further develop Literacy and Numeracy skills.
On entering school in Year 7 students follow programmes of study in the following subjects:
English, Mathematics, Science, Geography, History, Religious Education, Drama, Music, Art, Physical Education, Technology, Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish or French in Year 7 and 8, with some students studying two languages in Year 9), Computing, PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education)
At Key Stage 4 students study a common core of subjects including English, Mathematics, Science, Physical Education, Religious Studies and PSHCE. Students, with clear advice and guidance from school make a choice of up to four other subjects to study. They choose one Humanities subject from History and Geography, a Modern Foreign Language from French or Spanish as well as two further options. The further options can be chosen from Art & Design, Business Studies, Health & Social Care, Computer Science, Design Technology, Drama, Food Preparation and Nutrition, Geography, History, French, Separate Science, Spanish, Music, Textiles and Sport.
All subjects (except PSHCE) lead to GCSE or equivalent qualifications. There is a programme of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance too, to ensure students are ready for the next steps in education.
At Key Stage 5 our curriculum provision includes a wide range of subjects including A levels and Vocational qualifications. Students take three subjects from over 25 subject choices and this core programme of study is supplemented by additional qualifications including Core Maths and the Extended Project Qualification. Students also complete a range of enrichment opportunities which include Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education, Work Experience and Volunteering.
More detail on our curriculum can be accessed here.