Pastoral Support
Our vision for students is that they are proud to belong to The Arthur Terry School which is an inclusive and nurturing learning community that gives everyone the opportunity to excel and a place to belong.
Our pastoral structure ensures that students’ progress and personal development go hand-in-hand. Students achieve their best when they are happy and we are constantly striving to ensure our students develop the skills, knowledge and strong moral principles so they are ready for active citizenship in an ever-changing future.
Every student is part of a tutor group which meets every morning, which enables strong relationships to form between the student and their tutor. The tutor group is year group based which enables a bespoke programme of support, careers education, information, advice and guidance to be provided that is appropriate for each year group from Year 7 to Year 13.
In addition, the tutor also delivers the programme of Personal, Social, Health (including Relationships and Sex Education) and Citizenship education, further strengthening the relationships between students and their tutor.
Your child’s tutor is the most important person in their school life. The tutor is the first link between school and home, and it is the tutor who should be contacted by either student or parent to assess progress. We encourage regular communication between home and school; where problems arise parents/carers are always consulted and we seek at all times to act jointly with them.
Each year group has two progress leaders who regularly monitor student progress and welfare in their year group and these are overseen by a Key Stage Leader.
Student Support Services
Our highly skilled student support services team support the social, emotional, academic and personal development of students and respond to their different needs for help, offering advice and information. The team’s main drive is to work alongside Progress Leaders, Tutors, Teachers and Parents/Carers to tackle any barriers which may prevent young people from fulfilling their potential and being ready for their next steps.