Curriculum Overview
Careful planning has been undertaken to develop a coherent, broad and balanced 11-19 curriculum that is ambitious and inspirational.
Our curriculum is planned to challenge and enable all students to make rapid progress, studying subjects from the academic core as well as subjects from the performing arts, art, design and technology, business and computing.
The content and experiences within our curriculum are designed to accumulate and address the gaps in cultural capital of all our students, particularly those with SEND and those who are socially disadvantaged. Our vulnerable first approach to the curriculum ensures all students receive the support they need to succeed.
Our extra-curricular offer supports our provision, with a focus within each subject on helping students to form stronger schemata for long-term retention of knowledge.
Our provision is a coherent and carefully sequenced “knowledge-engaged” curriculum based on the principles of cognitive science. There is a focus on development of literacy and the application of acquired knowledge to ensure children access the curriculum at a depth to ensure a deep and enduring understanding in discrete subject areas. The curriculum framework of cognitive education is planned to enable children to think independently and contribute positively to society and the wider world.
Our curriculum intent is aligned with the Arthur Terry Learning Partnership and it is designed to:
- allow our students to flourish in whatever future they choose
- developing cultural capital to address social disadvantage, develop key learning habits as well as the core skills of mathematics and numeracy, language and literacy.
- instil our core values “being proud of who we are and what we achieve, being kind and respectful to all others and being ready to take our chosen next steps in life”
- be ‘knowledge engaged’ where we put a focus on the development of deep knowledge and understanding whilst also ensure students can use and apply this knowledge.
- Growing our students’ understanding of cognitive science (meta-cognition and meta-memory to improve their learning)
Click here to view the latest Curriculum Policy document: Arthur Terry Curriculum Policy
Key Stage 3
Year 7, 8 and 9.
Our curriculum provision follows a three year programme at KS3 that delivers the National Curriculum across the subject areas identified in the table below. Students follow a personal development programme for one period per fortnight. This programme allows students to develop their learning and thinking skills, participate in Personal, Social and Health Education, Relationships and Sex Education and experience Careers Education and Citizenship lessons with an emphasis on British Values.
The Arthur Terry Learner, learning habits programme has been developed across the school to help our students become better learners through increased independence. This will ensure that our students are prepared for a lifetime of learning. Additional learning support is provided to assist with Special Needs.
Currently, Key Stage 3 students (Years 7,8 and 9) will have the following number of periods per subject per fortnight:
Please note each period is 1 hour in length.
Subject | Periods in Year 7 | Periods in Year 8 |
English | 7 | 6 |
Maths | 7 | 7 |
Science | 6 | 6 |
Computing | 2 | 2 |
PE | 4 | 4 |
Design And Technology | 3 | 3 |
Art | 2 | 2 |
Drama | 2 | 2 |
Music | 2 | 2 |
Geography | 3 | 3 |
History | 3 | 3 |
Modern Foreign Language – French or Spanish | 5 | 6 |
RE | 3 | 3 |
Personal Development | 1 | 1 |
Subject | Periods in Year 9 |
English | 6 |
Maths | 6 |
Science | 6 |
Computing | 2 |
PE | 4 |
Design And Technology | 3 |
Business | 1 |
Art | 2 |
Drama | 2 |
Music | 2 |
Geography | 3 |
History | 3 |
French and/or Spanish | 6 |
RE | 3 |
Personal Development | 1 |
Key Stage 4
Our provision at KS4 follows a two year programme with students following a set of core academic courses. This core is supported by a range of optional GCSE or equivalent subjects. Within the combination of subjects available students will be expected to study one Humanities subjects (from Geography or History) and one MFL subject (from French or Spanish) where appropriate. PSHCE delivery continues at Key Stage 4.
Year 10
Subject | Periods | |
Core Curriculum | English | 8 |
Maths | 7 | |
Science (Trilogy 2 GCSEs) | 9 | |
RE (1 GCSE) | 2 | |
Core Curriculum (non-examined) | PE | 3 |
Personal Development | 1 | |
Options | Geography or History | 5 |
French or Spanish | 5 | |
2 Options * | 5 |
Year 11
Subject | Periods | |
Core Curriculum | English | 8 |
Maths | 7 | |
Science | 12 | |
Core Curriculum (non examined) | PE | 2 |
Personal Development | 1 | |
Options | Geography or History | 5 |
French or Spanish | 5 | |
2 Options * | 5 |
* Options subjects include : Art, Business Studies, BTEC Business Enterprise, Creative iMedia (Cambridge National), Computer Science, Dance (Level 2 Tech Award), Drama (Level 2 Tech Award), Design and Technology – Product Design, Design and Technology – Textiles, Food Preparation and Nutrition, French, Geography, BTEC Health and Social Care, History, Music (Level 2 Tech Award) , Separate Science, BTEC Sport, Spanish.
The Sixth Form
The core aim of the Arthur Terry 16-19 study programme is for each student to successfully complete :
- academic study – completing 3 linear A level / Level 3 vocational qualifications
- enrichment activity – including Work Experience, Volunteering, Sporting Activity and/or completion of additional qualifications such Extended Project Qualification or AS Core Maths
- personal development – including a daily tutoring programme, regular assemblies and visiting speakers, careers advice and guidance and a personal development lesson covering: Personal, Social and Health Education, Relationships and Sex Education and experience Careers Education and Citizenship lessons with an emphasis on British Values.
Year 12 & 13
We offer over 20 Level 3 subjects including: A level, BTEC and RSL qualifications. In addition, students can opt to complete additional qualifications through our enrichment progamme. This currently includes : Extended Project Qualification, AS Core Maths, AS Psychology, AS French and Spanish. Further details can be found in the sixth form section of the website.
The A level curriculum offer is reviewed each year and the school may need to remove qualifications from offer that are not viable due to low student uptake. The decision to remove subjects from the curriculum offer will be made as early as possible in the Spring Term following the sixth form application deadline.