
The purpose of assemblies at the Arthur Terry School is:

  1. To promote the vision and ethos of the school.
  2. To promote wider British values.
  3. To tackle social disadvantage and enrich students’ cultural capital by developing their understanding of the world around them.
  4. To tackle emerging whole school safeguarding trends.
  5. To celebrate and share success of Arthur Terry Students.
  6. To provide an act of collective reflection in line with the Collective Reflection Policy

Types of assemblies at the Arthur Terry School:

Assemblies are planned using one of the categories below:

Vision and Ethos AssemblyAn assembly delivered by a senior leader or progress leader. In the assembly they will explore and share the school’s ethos. These could be based on an aspect of the Arthur Terry Learner or a particular British Value.
Celebration AssemblyAn assembly to celebrate success of students. The assembly can include: praise and rewards, sporting success for the teams at ATS, recognition for students who perform in sports etc outside of school as well as advertising all the enrichment opportunities that exist in the school.
Single Issue AssemblyAssemblies which raise awareness of an issue or cause. This could link to the PSHCE curriculum or a wider societal event such as remembrance. Assemblies could also be used to address emerging safeguarding issues. Assemblies could be led by staff or student leaders.