Home Learning
Click Here For Work For Students Who Are Self-Isolating
If you are working from home and you are unsure how to access your work follow the flow diagram below:

Click Here For Our SEN Accessibility Guidance
Microsoft Teams
Year 7-13 students will have work set for them on Microsoft Teams by their class teacher. If you have any issues accessing this work please contact enquiry@arthurterry.bham.sch.uk
It is our intention that where possible all home learning will be ‘mobile friendly’ so you can access the work that is set.
It is recommended that you download the Microsoft Teams app onto your mobile device. It is available on the Play Store and the App Store.
If you need some help using Microsoft Teams watch this video which will show you some of the main functions.
Remote Learning Guide
I have forgotten my password.
If you need your password to Office 365/emails reset then you will need to ask a parent to email enquiry@arthurterry.bham.sch.uk to ask for a reset.
Please ask them to clearly state your full name and tutor group in the email.
A new password for your account will then be emailed out to your parent’s email address that is registered on the school system. If their email address has changed and needs amending, then please inform the school as a matter of priority.
To prevent having to go through this process again it is advised that you register for self-service password reset so that you can reset your own passwords. A guide on how to do this is here: https://www.youtube.com/embed/T6JqMkbz1S4
I have forgotten my GO4Schools log in details.
You can easily reset your own password for Go4Schools. Visit the sign in page and click the button “forgotten password” and follow all the instructions. You do need access to their school emails (see above) to do this.
I don’t have access to any device at home (including mobile phones) to complete home learning activities on.
The school has surveyed all parents to produce a list of students who would need additional support gaining access to home learning. If your situation changes and you need support you must contact enquiry@arthurterry.bham.sch.uk or your form tutor.
I don’t have access to the internet at home.
The school has surveyed your parents to produce a list of students who would need additional support gaining access to home learning. If your situation changes and you need support you must contact your form tutor.
I don’t know how to use Microsoft Teams.
The video at the top of the page shows you how home learning will be set and provides a summary of the basic functions on Teams.