Instrumental Lessons

We have a wide range of instrumental lessons on offer at Arthur Terry School,  the lessons are taught by professional musicians who deliver fantastic, high quality lessons.

It is our aim to provide accessible, high quality instrumental tuition, offering a wide range of instruments.

The lessons are held on a weekly basis via a timetable clearly displayed in the music corridor.

The current system of rotating lessons each week ensures that a student does not miss the same lesson every time they have a music lesson. This will minimise any disruption to learning. It is the students responsibility if they are not happy with their lesson time to swap it with another student who is on the timetable. It is also their responsibility to turn up on time and if they do not turn up or turn up late, this lesson time will not be made up. If a lesson is cancelled by the school it will be rescheduled at a later date or during the course of the academic year.

Submissions are now open.

For returning students use the Instrument Lessons Sign Up Form.

For incoming Year 7 students use the Year 7 Instrument Lessons Sign Up Form.

The cost is £430 for the full academic year, for 33 lessons. The lessons are in 15 minute slots. In the event of your child wishing to withdraw from receiving lessons, the full amount will still be payable as stated in the signup form and a refund will not be issued.

The instrumental lessons we offer are :

Flute/Clarinet/Saxophone – Miss Zoe Marklew

Vocals – Miss Rosie O’Sullivan

Drums – Mr Roy Adams

Dhol Drums – Mr Inderjit Singh

Cello – Miss Kate Sidhu

Piano/Keyboard – Mr Keiron Williams

Guitar/Bass – Mr Paul Humphreys

Violin/Viola – Miss Verena Lauer

Brass – Miss Nina Lin