The Big Ask – Students

What is The Big Ask?
We believe that any person participating in the process of learning has a voice that should be engaged and heard. Students need to be provided with meaningful opportunities to share their experiences, views and hopes about their school.
Students at Arthur Terry know that it is safe, and that it is important for them to express their views. They know that what they say is valued and will be listened to and considered.
Schools with a strong commitment to student voice have reported many positive outcomes. These can include, better relationships across the whole-school community and improvements in both attainment and attendance.
‘The Big Ask’ is our means to access student voice. This means that we can listen and respond to what really matters to our students. At Arthur Terry we want our students to:

How can I as a student participate in ‘The Big Ask’
There are two ways that students can be involved:
- At three intervals over each academic year students will be asked to complete our student voice survey.
- Get involved in ‘The Big Ask’ workshops, where Progress Leaders and Student Leaders will be working with groups of students throughout the year. These sessions will enable the students to provide more detailed responses to elements of the online survey.
What are the types of questions that I could be asked?
- I enjoy school.
- I know and understand the school’s vision. (Be proud, Be Kind, Be ready)
- I know who / where to go to in school if something is worrying me.
- School encourages me to look after my physical health. (For example: eating a healthy diet, knowing the benefits of regular exercise, understanding the damaging effects of smoking and drinking alcohol)
- School encourages me to look after my emotional and mental health. (For example: encouraging you to talk about any worries, managing exam stress, how to build positive relationships with others, how to manage change)
- I take part in at least one extra-curricular activity offered in school.
- There are a good range of extra-curricular activities to choose from.
- I am encouraged to respect people from other backgrounds and to treat everyone equally.
- School teaches me to have an age-appropriate understanding of relationships and sex education. Age-appropriate means: That you are taught and learn what is right for your age.
- School provides me with information about my next steps (For example: when moving into a new key stage, choosing future pathways & qualification routes including University, Apprenticeships, T-Levels, college settings or developing employability skills).
- My school helps me to understand the British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, tolerance, and respect.
- I am encouraged to have good attendance and punctuality.
- My school has clear routines and expectations for the behaviour of all pupils across all aspects of school.
- The subjects I learn are exciting and interesting.
- My teachers give me work that challenges me.
- My lessons give me opportunities to demonstrate how to be an Arthur Terry Learner.
- My teachers tell me how to make improvements to make my work better.
- My homework links to my learning in class.
- I know what I’m going to be learning about in my subjects each term.
- I would recommend this school to a friend moving to the area.